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Systems of electric equipment of the engine>>
System of ignition of the petrol engine
System of ignition of the petrol engine
General information, security measures
General information
The system of ignition provides ignition submitted to chambers of combustion of cylinders of an air and fuel mix. For formation of a spark of demanded intensity 12-volt tension of onboard power supply in will be transformed ignition coils to high-voltage (VV), - 30 000 Century.
On the KIA Sportage models considered in the real Management the electronic system of direct ignition (DIS) functioning under control of ECM, guided by indications of sensors of provisions of cranked (CKP) and distributive (CMP) of shaft is used.
Analyzing information arriving from sensors, ECM defines the moment of readiness of each of engine cylinders to ignition of an air and fuel mix injected into it, - at the command of the ECM coil develops VV the tension causing breakdown of a gap between electrodes of the corresponding candle.
Ignition coils
On the equipped models considered in the real Management DOHC engine two coils of ignition established directly over spark plugs of the second and fourth cylinders are used. Thus the iskroobrazovaniye at the command of ESM occurs in at the same time two cylinders the piston of one of which is in the end of a step of compression, another - at the end of a final step, and the main power failure is the share of a candle of the cylinder being in a step of compression in view of much more high pressure in it. The iskroobrazovaniye capacity in the second cylinder will be minimum (a single spark), providing thus reburning remaining in the chamber of combustion of molecules of an air and fuel mix that allows to achieve more effective decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases. Iskroobrazovaniye occurs at a time in cylinders 1/2 and 3/4.
Coils do not need regular service and in case of failure are subject to replacement.
Sensor of provision of a camshaft (CMP)
The sensor is established in a back part of a head of cylinders and traces the provision of a camshaft, giving out the relevant information on the management module.
Sensor of provision of a cranked shaft (CKP)
The CKP sensor is fixed on a case of transmission and defines frequency of rotation and the provision of a cranked shaft by tracking of the moments of passing by the sensitive element of working ledges fixed on a flywheel / a driving disk of a gear ring.
Spark plugs
Spark plugs, when giving VV of tension on them from coils, provide an iskroobrazovaniye caused by breakdown of an interelectrode gap, and bringing to ignition of an air and fuel mix submitted to cylinders. Check of a condition of spark plugs should be made regularly, according to the Schedule of routine maintenance of the car (see. Head Current leaving and service).
High-voltage (VV) electroconducting
VV electroconducting is used for connection of coils of ignition with candles. Periodically check a condition of isolation and contact tips of VV of wires.
System of protection of the engine from a detonation
Characteristic for modern engines high degrees the compression improving fuel profitability, and also change of quality of used fuel increase tendency of the engine to a detonation. At high extents of compression detonation limits often are in the established range of the moments of ignition (for the minimum fuel consumption), or are shifted towards delay. Means of protection prevent detonation combustion of a working mix under all operating conditions of the engine.
The sensor of a detonation (KS) fixed in the corresponding place of the engine, reacts to high-frequency fluctuations of molding of the block arising at a detonation and transforms them to the electric signals arriving on ECM.
So-called «the measuring window» is synchronized with rotation of a cranked shaft, and for allocation of the data characterizing a detonation, the strip filter is used. Entrance information is compared to the signals received at combustion of a mix without a detonation then ECM on several steps of the engine provides shift of the moment of ignition towards the delay, necessary for situation correction. Then installation comes back to reference optimum value. That is especially important, shift of the moment of ignition can individually occur for each cylinder of the engine while the others continue to work in a regular mode.
Security measures
At service of systems of direct ignition it is necessary to observe special precautionary measures:
Do not touch electroconducting of system of ignition and do not disunite its contact sockets at the working engine / a rotating starter;
Do not disconnect the battery at the working engine;
Rassoyedineniye of sockets of electroconducting of sensors and modules of management make only after a preliminary detachment of the storage battery;
Make detachment/connection of electroconducting of system of ignition, and also connection/shutdown of any diagnostic and measuring equipment only at the switched-off ignition;
Do not allow to works on service by electronic system of ignition of people with the implanted pacemaker;
At all do not allow grounding of contact plugs of coils of ignition on weight;
Do not connect a control lamp to plugs of coils of ignition.