KIA of Sportazh - Kia Sportage
Governing bodies and operation receptions
Current leaving and service
Systems of cooling, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Power supply systems, managements of engine/decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and production of the fulfilled gases
   Security measures and the general rules accepted at service of components of fuel paths of internal combustion engines
   Power supply system of petrol engines
   Power supply system of diesel engines
   Control systems of the engine and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
   System of production of the fulfilled gases
Systems of electric equipment of the engine
Five-step manual box of gear shifting
Automatic transmission
Transmission line
Brake system
Suspension bracket and steering
Onboard electric equipment
Control body sizes
Schemes of electric connections

лечение спины

Kia Sportage>> Power supply systems, managements of engine/decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and production of the fulfilled gases

Power supply systems, managements of engine/decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and production of the fulfilled gases


Separate characteristics are provided also in the text of head and in case of obligation of their performance are allocated with a bold print.

Power supply systems and managements of engine/decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases

General information, adjusting data

Petrol models

Power supply system type
    System of supply of fuel
Electronic system of the distributed injection (SFI)
    System of supply of air
Atmospheric absorption
Grades of applied fuel See. Specifications to Head Governing bodies and operation receptions
Volume of a fuel tank See. Specifications to Head the Current leaving and service
Turns of idling, mines-1 820 ± 50 (to adjustment are not subject)
Principle of measurement of a consumption of air Termoanemometrichesky sensor of measurement of weight of air (MAF)
Filtering element of an air purifier Dry, paper
Corner of an advancing of ignition 6 ° ± 6 ° before VMT (to adjustment is not subject)
Pressure of fuel, kgf/cm2
    Nominal rate
    At the vacuum hose disconnected from a regulator
    The minimum admissible value in 5 minutes after ignition switching off
Fuel filters
    Type of filtering elements
      Soaking-up path (on the fuel pump)
      Pressure head path
Throttle case
Atmospheric, with a horizontal arrangement
    Diameter of throttle mouths (2 pieces), mm
Fuel pump
Rotor, pogruzhny (in a fuel tank)
    Developed pressure, kgf/cm2 (kPa)
      The minimum
3.5 (344)
      The maximum
6.5 (640)
Regulator of pressure of fuel
    Adjustable pressure, kgf/cm2 (kPa)
3.0 ÷ 3.1 (290 ÷ 300)
Fuel injectors
    Execution type
High-resistance, with the top giving and obduvy nozzles
    Management type
Electromechanical drive
    Number of spraying ports
    Resistance at 20°С, Ohm
12 ÷ 16
    Minimum volume of injection, cm3/mines
Valve of an otsechka of fuel
    Activation turns at dispersal, mines-1
    Activation turns when braking by the engine, mines-1
Over 1300
Cable of a drive of butterfly valves
    Free wheeling, mm
1.0 ÷ 3.0
    Limiting admissible deflection, mm
0 ÷ 15
Valve of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC)
    Resistance at 20°С, Ohm
11 ÷ 13
Ø/m valve of a purge of a coal adsorber
    Resistance at 20°С, Ohm
45 ÷ 13
The sensor of temperature of cooling liquid (ECT)
    Resistance, kiloohm
      At temperature - 20°С
16.2 ± 1.6
      At temperature 20°С
2.45 ± 0.25
      At temperature 80°С
0.32 ± 0.03

Diesel models

Power supply system type
    System of supply of fuel
With TNVD of distributive type (VE)
    System of supply of air
Compressor turbo-supercharging with intermediate cooling (Intercooler)
Grades of applied fuel See. Specifications to Head Governing bodies and operation receptions
Volume of a fuel tank See. Specifications to Head the Current leaving and service
Installation of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye
    Inlet valves
13 ° before VMT
31 ° after NMT
    Final valves
60 ° before NMT
8 ° after VMT
Turns of idling, mines-1 800 ± 25
Turns of fast idling (at the switched-on To/in compressor), mines-1 850 ± 25
Filtering element of an air purifier Dry, paper
Fuel filter Cartridge, with the humidity detector
Lyufta of a rotor shaft of a turbokompressor (see an illustration), mm
    The axial
0.05 ÷ 0.10
    The radial
0.12 ÷ 0.17
Distributive (VE)
    Injection moment
11 ° after VMT
    Rotation direction
From a gas-distributing belt
The minimum admissible height of working release of a cam of the device of adjustment of phases of a gazoraspredeleniye of TNVD (see an illustration), mm 2.2
Fuel nozzles
The throttle
    Diameter of a nozzle, mm
    Starting pressure of injection, kgf/cm2
Deflection of a cable of a drive of the sensor of provision of a pedal of gas 1.0 ÷ 3.0

Codes of malfunctions (DTC)

Petrol models (OBD II)


Violation source

The possible reasons besides breaks/short circuits of electroconducting and refusals of actually working element

MIL ("Check Engine")

Р0101 Malfunction in a MAF sensor chain
    The air filter is polluted Leakages of air in an inlet path take place Depression losses in an inlet path take place The MAF sensor is polluted or damaged The MAF or TPS sensor is faulty Quality of contact connections of electroconducting of ECM, the MAF or TPS sensor is broken
Р0102 Low voltage on a MAF sensor entrance
Р0103 High voltage on an entrance. The overestimated entrance signal of the MAF sensor
Р0112 Low voltage on an IAT sensor entrance
Р0113 High voltage on an IAT sensor entrance

Petrol models (OBD II)


Violation source

The possible reasons besides breaks/short circuits of electroconducting and refusals of actually working element

MIL ("Check Engine")

Р0116 Malfunction in an ECT sensor chain
    Time-out of activation of feedback after engine start (the entrance signal of the ECT sensor is insufficient for short circuit of a loop of feedback) Quality of contact connections of electroconducting of ECM or the ECT sensor is broken Contact plugs are oxidized, deformed or damaged The ECT sensor is polluted or damaged The thermostat is faulty
Р0117 Low voltage on an ECT sensor entrance
Р0118 High voltage on an IAT sensor entrance
Р0122 Low voltage on TPS entrance
Р0123 High voltage on TPS entrance
Р0125 The temperature of cooling liquid is insufficient for short circuit of a loop of feedback on a dosage of an air and fuel mix
    See DTC P0116
Р0130 Malfunction in a chain of dokatalitichesky HO2S
    Quality of contact connections of electroconducting of ECM or dokatalitichesky HO2S is broken Contact plugs are oxidized, deformed or damaged
Р0131 Low voltage on an entrance of dokatalitichesky HO2S
Р0132 High voltage on an entrance of dokatalitichesky HO2S
Р0133 The response of dokatalitichesky HO2S is slowed down
    Process of combustion of a working mix is broken Adjustment of pressure of fuel is broken Quality of electric connections of dokatalitichesky or post-catalytic HO2S is broken Violation in system of supply of fuel takes place Leaks in an inlet or final path of the engine take place
Р0134 The fact of violation of activity of dokatalitichesky HO2S is elicited
    The resource dokatalitichesky HO2S is polluted or developed Contact plugs are oxidized, deformed or damaged
Р0135 Malfunction in a chain of heating of dokatalitichesky HO2S
Р0136 Malfunction in a chain of post-catalytic HO2S
    Quality of contact connections of electroconducting of ECM or post-catalytic HO2S is broken Contact plugs are oxidized, deformed or damaged
Р0137 Low voltage on an entrance of post-catalytic HO2S
Р0138 High voltage on an entrance of post-catalytic HO2S
Р0139 The response of post-catalytic HO2S is slowed down
    Process of combustion of a working mix is broken Adjustment of pressure of fuel is broken Quality of electric connections of dokatalitichesky or post-catalytic HO2S is broken Violation in system of supply of fuel takes place Leaks in an inlet or final path of the engine take place
Р0140 The fact of violation of activity of post-catalytic HO2S is elicited
    The resource dokatalitichesky HO2S is polluted or developed Contact plugs are oxidized, deformed or damaged
Р0141 Malfunction in a chain of heating of post-catalytic HO2S
Р0171 Air and fuel mix переобеднена
    Violation in system of supply of fuel takes place Passableness of an injector (ов) is broken The injector (ы) is faulty Leaks in an inlet or final path of the engine take place The MAF or TPS sensor is faulty
Р0172 Air and fuel mix переобогащена
    Violation in ignition system takes place The valve of a purge of an adsorber of EVAP system is faulty Leaks in an inlet or final path of the engine take place Violation in system of supply of fuel takes place the injector (ы) Is faulty Leaks in an inlet or final path of the engine take place Pressure of fuel is overestimated The regulator of pressure of fuel is faulty The MAF sensor is faulty Dokatalitichesky HO2S is faulty TPS is faulty

Petrol models (OBD II)


Violation source

The possible reasons besides breaks/short circuits of electroconducting and refusals of actually working element

MIL ("Check Engine")

P0201-P0204 Malfunction in a chain inzhektora1-4 the cylinder respectively
Р0300 Casual admissions of ignition in various cylinders take place
    Leakages of air in an inlet path take place The CKP sensor is faulty Malfunction of system of ignition takes place Bobbin assembly/VV a candle wire is faulty The candle (and) ignitions is faulty Kompressionny pressure (breakdown of laying of a head of cylinders/leak through piston rings or valves) fell The regulator of pressure of fuel / is faulty passableness of gasoline pipe lines or the fuel filter / is broken the gasoline pump is faulty Violation in an injector chain takes place (in) The injector (ы) is faulty
P0301-P0304 Ignition admissions in the cylinder 1-4 respectively take place
Р0326 Malfunction in KS chain
    High parasitic resistance is connected to a chain site between KS and ECM
Р0335, Р0336 Malfunction in a CKP sensor chain
    The working gap of the sensor is exceeded The rotor is damaged
Р0342 Low voltage on a CMP sensor entrance
Р0343 High voltage on a CMP sensor entrance
Р0422 Efficiency of functioning of the main TWC is reduced
    Passableness of the catalytic converter is broken
Р0440 Serviceability of functioning of EVAP system is broken
Р0442 Insignificant leak in EVAP system
    The density of landing of a cover of a jellied mouth of a fuel tank is broken
Р0443 Serviceability of functioning of the valve of a purge of an adsorber of EVAP is broken
Р0501 Malfunction in VSS chain
Р0506 Turns supervised by IAC system are insufficient x/x
    Passableness of an inlet air path is broken The nagaroobrazovaniye on butterfly valves takes place
Р0507 Turns supervised by IAC system are excessive x/x
    Leaks in an inlet air path take place Adjustment of a cable of a drive of butterfly valves is broken TPS is faulty Serviceability of functioning of PCV system is broken
Р0560 Malfunction in system of onboard power supply
    The battery is faulty The generator is faulty ECM is faulty
Р0561 Level of tension of onboard power supply is unstable
Р0562 Level of tension of onboard power supply is insufficient
Р0563 Level of tension of onboard power supply is excessive
Р0601 Error of checksum of ECM
Р0604 Error of the ECM RAM (RAM)
Р0650 Malfunction in a chain of a control lamp of MIL (Check the engine)
Р1307 Malfunction in CAS chain
Р1308 Low voltage on CAS entrance
Р1309 High voltage on CAS entrance
Р1386 Check of operating zeroing of KS
Р1458 Refusal of activation of the To/in compressor
Р1505 Low level of a signal of opening of the IAC valve
Р1506 High level of a signal of opening of the IAC valve
Р1507 Low level of a signal of closing of the IAC valve
Р1508 High level of a signal of closing of the IAC valve
Р1586 Violation of coding AT/MT
Р1611 Low voltage in a chain of poll of MIL
    ECM or TCM is faulty
Р1614 High voltage in a chain of poll of MIL
Р1624 Malfunction in a chain of poll of MIL
    Lamp activation only on demand of TCM with preservation of the corresponding DTC in memory of the last. Working parameters are fixed in memory of ECM and should be restored before P1624 code removal from memory of the last
- the lamp burns

Diesel models


Source narushe-


Emergency maintenance of operability of system

Return to the initial

1 01 Np sensor Generation admission more than 20 posledova-
telny impulses at the VMT serviceable sensor
ется VMT sensor
Upon transition д / in IDLE in situation Vkl during input of normal value
2 02 VMT sensor Generation admission more than 20 posledova-
telny impulses at the serviceable Np sensor
ется Np sensor
Upon transition д / in IDLE in situation Vkl during input of normal value
3 12 Sensor of acceleration (ACCEL) The target signal of the sensor falls outside the limits a range 0.3 ÷ 4.5 In within 1 second At acceleration of 0 % of EGR откл. Upon transition д / in IDLE in situation Vkl during input of normal value
4 98

scientific research institute ACCEL

The target signal of the sensor falls outside the limits a range 0.3 ÷ 1.1 In at included д / in IDLE (verification of refusal is carried out only during restoration performance) Replacement
VACC = 0.6 In at acceleration of 0 %
Д / in IDLE it is included, a target signal of the ACCEL sensor within a range 0.3 ÷ 1.1 In
5 09 The sensor of temperature of cooling liquid The target signal of the sensor falls outside the limits a range 0.1 ÷ 4.6 In within 5 seconds TW = 80°С
d start mode
TW = 20°С (at an error of determination of temperature of fuel)
EGR откл.
At the moment of input of normal value
6 86 Fuel sensor The target signal of the TF sensor falls outside the limits a range 0.1 ÷ 4.6 In within 5 seconds TF = 50°С At the moment of input of normal value
7 34 IAT sensor The target signal of THAT sensor falls outside the limits a range 0.1 ÷ 4.6 In within 5 seconds TA = 60°С At the moment of input of normal value
8 14 Sensor of pressure of pressurization The target signal of the PB sensor falls outside the limits a range 0.2 ÷ 4.8 In within 5 seconds RV = 760 mm of mercury. Upon transition д / in IDLE in situation Vkl during input of normal value
9 32 TPS The target signal of the sensor falls outside the limits a range 0.1 ÷ 4.5 In within 1 second TPS = 0 mm the Managing director of IT is open At the moment of input of normal value
10 23 CSP sensor The target signal of the sensor falls outside the limits a range 0.1 ÷ 4.6 In within 0.3 seconds FCV is disconnected, GE is disconnected by Qsol = 0 mg/st U@sol = 0 In -
11 31 Servo-driver of an electronic regulator (GE) The absolute size of a difference between demanded and real values makes more than 1.0 In within 0.5 seconds FCV is disconnected, GE is disconnected by Qsol = 0 mg/st U@sol = 0 In -
12 33 IT servo-driver TPSsol = 0 mm the Managing director of IT is open When |TPSsol – TPSist | is less or equally than 2 mm within 2 seconds
13 46 EEPROM RDY/BUSY is not switched to Hi at 100 ms, or at a 3-fold error of verification - -
14 26 Sensor of atmospheric pressure The target signal of the sensor falls outside the limits a range 0.2 ÷ 4.8 In within 1 second RA = 760 mm of mercury. EGR откл. At the moment of input of normal value
15 25 Resistance of adjustment of Q The target signal of VRQ falls outside the limits a range 0.1 ÷ 4.6 In within 5 seconds Adjustment of the current value according to trebova-
At the moment of input of normal value
16 48 Relay of system of preheat The target signal of the relay is not equal control within more than 1 second The relay is disconnected -
17 49 EGR sensor The target signal of the sensor falls outside the limits a range 0.3 ÷ 4.5 In within 1 second EGRP = 0 %
EGR откл.
At the moment of input of normal value
18 50 EGR feedback EGRP = 0 %
EGR откл.
19 99 Kommunika-
tsiya immobi-
Error of communication FCV is disconnected,
GE is disconnected
Qsol = 0 mg/st
U@sol = 0 In

Diesel models


Violation source


Emergency maintenance of operability of system

Return to an initial condition

20 96 Vosstanovle-
scientific research institute TPS
The target signal of the sensor falls outside the limits a range 0.3 ÷ 0.7 In at included д / in IDLE and N less or equally 300 rpm (verification of refusal is carried out only during restoration performance) Change of tension of TPS = 0.5 In on TPS = 0 mm 0.3 VTPSist is less or equally 0.7 In at start and N less or equally than 300 rpm
21 97 Short circuit on FCV The FCV plug remains in the situation Lo during 30 ms at the switched-on valve FCV is disconnected,
GE is disconnected
Qsol = 0 mg/st
U@sol = 0 In
22 95 Preobrazova-
scientific research institute AT/MT
EEPROM value does not coincide with the current value during 100 ms Adjustment of the current value according to EEPROM value -
23 94 Preobrazova-
scientific research institute DOM/EUR (Korea/Europe)
EEPROM value does not coincide with the current value during 100 ms Adjustment of the current value according to EEPROM value -
24 93 Choice neustanovlen-
foot of the equipment (DOM MT)
Д / in AT/MT remains included during 100 ms at switched off д / in DOM/EUR, or the remembered value on coincides with flowing after completion of procedure of storing of EEPROM Mistake with EUR MT -
25 6 VSS Speed of movement less than 3 km/h within more than 10 seconds Turns is more or equally
2500 mines-1 Acceleration are more or equally than 30 % fuel Compensation more or equally 20 mg/st
Normal funktsioni-
the rovaniye is possible and conversion according to the dumping card it is possible
Real speed is more or equally oshibo-
chny within more than 2 seconds
26 41 Conversion And/D There is no signal of interruption of conversion And/D Predshestvo-
vavshy to the mistake moment value
27 43 Sensor of provision of a pedal of gas Alarm tension falls outside the limits a range 4.5 ÷ 5.0 In within more than 1 second - Input norm -
lny value
28 44 Sensor of pressure of pressurization Alarm tension falls outside the limits a range 4.5 ÷ 5.0 In within more than 2 seconds - Input norm -
lny value
29 45 Tension of the battery Alarm tension falls outside the limits a range 4.5 ÷ 5.0 In within more 5th second 14 In Input norm -
lny value

No. — conclusion Number

Code — a malfunction Code

Efforts of a tightening of carving connections, Nanometer

Efforts of a tightening of separate elements of fixture can be brought directly in the text of sections where they are allocated with a bold print.

Power supply system and engine management

Petrol models

Shtutsernye of a nut of fuel lines on the fuel filter 129
Bolts of fastening of a regulator of pressure of fuel 7.8 ÷ 11.7
Bolt and nuts of fastening of an air purifier 25
Bolts of fastening of an air inlet 9
Nuts/bolts of fastening of the case of a throttle 25
Nuts/bolts of fastening of the air distributor 22
Bolts of fastening of the MAF sensor to a basic arm 7.8 ÷ 10.8
The sensor of temperature of cooling liquid (ECT) 25 ÷ 29
Lambda probes 30 ÷ 49

Diesel models

TNVD fastening
31.3 ÷ 46.1
15.6 ÷ 22.5
Nut of fastening of a cogwheel of TNVD 68.6 ÷ 78.4
Nozzle nozzle in the holder 78.4 ÷ 98.1
Nozzle in a head of cylinders 58.8 ÷ 68.6
EGR sensor 19 ÷ 26

 Systems of release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases

Bolts/nut of a joint of sections of system of production of the fulfilled gases 100
Bolt of a basic arm of a reception pipe 50
Bolts М6 10
Bolts М10 50
Bolts М12 100