KIA of Sportazh - Kia Sportage
Governing bodies and operation receptions
Current leaving and service
   Check of kompressionny pressure, assessment of a condition of cylinders
   Engine check by means of the vacuum gage
   Belts of a drive of auxiliary units
   Petrol models
   Diesel models
Systems of cooling, heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Power supply systems, managements of engine/decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and production of the fulfilled gases
Systems of electric equipment of the engine
Five-step manual box of gear shifting
Automatic transmission
Transmission line
Brake system
Suspension bracket and steering
Onboard electric equipment
Control body sizes
Schemes of electric connections

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Kia Sportage>> Engine



Below the parameters used at performance of procedures described in the present chapter are specified. Detailed standard data can be received at firm car repair shops KIA. Separate characteristics are provided also in the text of head and in case of obligation of their performance are allocated with a bold print.

Below the values typical for all engines of considered series are listed only.

Petrol models

General parameters

Engine type FE - ryadny, 4-cylinder, 16-klapanny, DOHC, with water cooling and a belt drive of GRM
Arrangement in an impellent compartment The longitudinal
Engine displacement, l 2.0
Number of valves on the cylinder 4
Diameter of the cylinder x piston stroke, mm 86.0 x 86.0
Extent of compression 9.2:1
Pressure of a compression at turns 250 in a minute, kgf/cm2
    Nominal rate
    Limiting admissible value (approximately)
    The maximum admissible difference in indications between cylinders
Operating procedure of cylinders 1-3-4-2
Turns of idling, mines-1 820 ± 50
Corner of an advancing of ignition 4 ° ± 2 ° before VMT
Sizes of a deflection of belts of a drive of auxiliary units under load of 10 kgfs, mm
    Generating belt/belt of a drive of the fan of system of cooling
      The new
11.5 ÷ 14.0
      Being in the use
15 ÷ 16
    Belt of a drive of the To/in compressor
      The new
4 ÷ 5
      Being in the use
5 ÷ 6
    Belt of a drive of the steering pump
      The new
6 ÷ 7
      Being in the use
8 ÷ 10

Greasing system

Type Pressure head, with a maslookhladitel and piston sprays
Type and volume of impellent oil See. Specifications to Head the Current leaving and service
Pressure of activation of a control lamp, kgf/cm2 0.25
Oil filter
Type Polnopotochny with a paper working element
Differential reduktsionny pressure 0.8 ÷ 1.2
Oil pump
    Type. Rotor, trokhoidalny
    Pressure of oil, kgf/cm2
3.0 ÷ 4.0 (at 3000 rpm)
    Pressure of operation of the reduktsionny valve, kgf/cm2
3.0 ÷ 4.0
    Free length of a plunzherny spring, mm
      Limiting admissible size axial люфта gear wheels, mm
      Limiting admissible size of a gap, mm between tops of teeths of gear wheels, mm
      Limiting admissible size люфта landings of an external rotor in the working chamber of the case of the pump, mm

Head of cylinders


Height, mm 133.96 ÷ 134.06
Limiting admissible size of not planeness of interfaced surfaces (all surfaces) *, mm 0.15

* Depth of a pro-point should not exceed 0.20 mm, otherwise the head is subject to replacement

Saddles of valves

Geometrical parameters (see an illustration)
    Corner of a working facet (all valves), hail
    Width of a contact zone (all valves), mm
1.19 ÷ 1.60

Valves, the klapanny springs directing plugs

    Gazoraspredeleniye phases
      Inlet valves
10 ° before VMT
55 ° after NMT
    Final valves
55 ° before NMT
10 ° after VMT
Geometrical parameters of valves (see an illustration)
    Corner of a working facet (all valves), hail
    Diameter of a core, mm
Data are absent
    Diameter of a plate of the valve, mm
Data are absent
    Minimum admissible width of a cylindrical part of a plate, mm
      Inlet valves
      Final valves
    Minimum admissible length (processing limit), mm
      Inlet valves
      Final valves
    Adjusting height (distance from an end face of the established valve to a plate of a spring) *, mm
      Inlet valves
        Nominal rate
36.37 ÷ 37.27
        Limiting admissible value
      Final valves
        Nominal rate
36.36 ÷ 37.26
        Limiting admissible value
    Люфт landings in the directing plug, mm
      Nominal rate
        Inlet valves
0.025 ÷ 0.061
        Final valves
0.030 ÷ 0.066
      Limiting admissible value

* If the adjusting height of the valve falls outside the limits a nominal range, but does not exceed the limiting value, the corresponding adjustment can be made by a way of selection of a washer on a plate of a spring, otherwise the head is subject to replacement.

Directing plugs
    Internal diameter (all valves), mm
6.01 ÷ 6.03
      Inlet valves
      Final valves
    Adjusting height (distance from a plug end face to a plate of a spring), mm
      All valves
11.40 ÷ 11.91
Klapannye of a spring
    Free length (all valves), mm
      Internal spring
        Nominal rate
        Limiting admissible value
      External spring
        Nominal rate
        Limiting admissible value
    Limiting admissible size of violation of a tortsovka (all valves), mm
      Internal spring
Data are absent
      External spring

Pushers of valves

Type Hydraulic, with automatic jacks of klapanny gaps


Working gap in bearings, mm 0.036 ÷ 0.084
Height of cams, mm
    Nominal rate
    Limiting admissible value
Bearing necks (see an illustration)
    Diameter, mm
29.939 ÷ 29.964
    Limiting admissible sizes of ovality and konusnost, mm

Block of cylinders


Limiting admissible size of not planeness of an interfaced surface *, mm 0.15
Quantity and arrangement of cylinders 4, ryadny
Diameter of cylinders, mm
    Nominal rate
85.999 ÷ 86.020
    Limiting admissible sizes of ovality and konusnost, mm

* Depth of a pro-point should not exceed 0.20 mm, otherwise the block is subject to replacement

Cranked shaft and radical bearings

Axial люфт cranked shaft, mm
    Nominal rate
0.079 ÷ 0.180
    Limiting admissible value
Limiting admissible size of radial palpation of a cranked shaft, mm 0.03
Diameters of radical necks, mm
    Standard size
      Nominal rate
59.936 ÷ 59.954
      1st repair size (0.25 mm)
        No. No. 1, 2, 4 and 5 necks
59.693 ÷ 59.710
        Neck No. 3
59.687 ÷ 59.705
      2nd repair size (0.50 mm)
        No. No. 1, 2, 4 and 5 necks
59.444 ÷ 59.461
        Neck No. 3
59.436 ÷ 59.454
      3rd repair size (0.75 mm)
        No. No. 1, 2, 4 and 5 necks
59.192 ÷ 59.210
        Neck No. 3
59.187 ÷ 59.205
Working gap in radical bearings, mm
    Nominal rate
      No. No. 1, 2, 4 and 5 necks
0.025 ÷ 0.043
      Neck No. 3
0.030 ÷ 0.048
    Limiting admissible value
Diameter of shatunny necks, mm 50.940 ÷ 50.955
Limiting admissible size of a konusnost and ovality of necks, mm
    Radical and shatunny necks

Rods and shatunny bearings

Diameter of an opening in the bottom head of a rod, mm Data are absent
Internal diameter of the plug top heads of a rod, mm 21.989 ÷ 21.999
Limiting admissible size of a bend and twisting of a rod of a rod on 50 mm of length, mm
Axial люфт rods on necks of a cranked shaft, mm
    Nominal rate
0.10 ÷ 0.28
    Limiting admissible value
Working gap in radical bearings, mm
    Nominal rate
0.05 ÷ 0.23
    Limiting admissible value

Pistons both piston fingers and rings

    Diameter, mm
85.943 ÷ 85.964
    Люфт landings in cylinders, mm
      Nominal rate
0.048 ÷ 0.061
      Limiting admissible value
Piston fingers
    Diameter, mm
21.987 ÷ 21.999
    Люфт landings in pistons, mm
0.005 ÷ 0.10
    Люфт landings in rods, mm
0.010 ÷ 0.025
Piston rings
    Люфт landings of kompressionny rings in flutes of pistons, mm
      Nominal rates
0.025 ÷ 0.076
      Limiting admissible value
    Gaps in locks, mm
      Nominal rate
        Top kompressionny ring (No. 1)
0.15 ÷ 0.30
        Second kompressionny ring
0.20 ÷ 0.36
        Maslosjemnoye ring
0.20 ÷ 0.71
      Limiting admissible value

Efforts of a tightening of carving connections, Nanometer

Efforts of a tightening of separate elements of fixture can be brought directly in the text of sections where they are allocated with a bold print.

Bolts of fastening of covers of a drive of GRM 10
Bolt of fastening of a cogwheel of a cranked shaft 162
Bolts of fastening of cogwheels of camshafts 56
Natyazhiteli of a belt of a drive of GRM 43
Bolts of fastening of a cover of a head of cylinders 7
Bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders 84
Bolts/nut of fastening of the inlet pipeline 22
Bolts of fastening of a basic arm of the inlet pipeline 45
Nuts of fastening of a final collector 42
Bolts of fastening of the thermofilter of a final collector 25
Nuts of fastening of a protector of a final collector 4
Bolts of a pulley/damper of krutilny fluctuations of a cranked shaft 15
Bolt of fastening of the CMP sensor 10
Bolts of covers of bearings of camshafts 22
Masloraspyliteli in the block of cylinders 15
Bolts of covers of radical bearings of a cranked shaft 85
Nuts of covers of the bottom heads of rods 67
Bolts of fastening of a back cover of the engine 10
Bolts of fastening of assembly of the oil pump
    Bolts And (8 mm)
    Bolts In (10 mm)
Screws of fastening of a cover of the oil pump 7.5
Bolts of fastening of the pallet of a case of the engine 9.5
Bolts of fastening of assembly of a maslozabornik with the mesh filter (see an illustration) 9.5
Bolts of fastening of a flywheel 99.5
Bolts of fastening of a basket of coupling 22
Bolts of fastening of a dome of the coupling/hydrotransformer
    14 mm
    10 mm
    6 mm
Bolts of fastening of the water pump 22
Bolts of fastening of a casing of the fan of system of cooling 8
Bolts of fastening of assembly of the fan of system of cooling 37
Nuts of fastening of a krylchatka of the fan of system of cooling 22
Bolts of fastening of the thermostat 22
Basic arm of the generator 45
Bolts/nut support of a suspension bracket of the power unit 38
Bolt of fastening of the tire of grounding of the engine to a body 25
Bolts of fastening of protection of a case of the engine

Diesel models

Below the values typical for all engines of considered series are listed only.

General parameters

Engine type RF TCI - ryadny, 4 - cylinder, 8 - klapanny, ONS, with water cooling and a belt drive of GRM, turbirovanny (Intercooler) with an intermediate cooler of forced air
Arrangement in an impellent compartment The longitudinal
Engine displacement, l 2.0
Number of valves on the cylinder 2
Diameter of the cylinder x piston stroke, mm 86.0 x 86.0
Extent of compression 21.1:1
Pressure of a compression at turns 200 in a minute, kgf/cm2
    Nominal rate
    Limiting admissible value (approximately)
    The maximum admissible difference in indications between cylinders
Operating procedure of cylinders 1-3-4-2
Injection moments 11 ° after VMT
Pressure of injection, kgf/cm2 150
Turns of idling, mines-1 800 ± 25
Sizes of a deflection of belts of a drive of auxiliary units under load of 10 kgfs, mm
Generating belt/belt of a drive of the fan of system of cooling
    The new
11.5 ÷ 14.0
    Being in the use
15 ÷ 16
Belt of a drive of the To/in compressor
    The new
4 ÷ 5
    Being in the use
5 ÷ 6
Belt of a drive of the steering pump
    The new
6 ÷ 7
    Being in the use
8 ÷ 10

Greasing system

Type Pressure head, with a maslookhladitel and piston sprays
Type and volume of impellent oil See. Specifications to Head the Current leaving and service
Pressure of oil, kgf/cm2 4.1 ÷ 4.9 (at 3000 rpm)
Pressure of activation of a control lamp, kgf/cm2 0.3
Oil filters
Polnopotochnye with paper working elements
    Pressure of operation of the reduktsionny valve, kgf/cm2
With water cooling
    Pressure of operation of the reduktsionny valve, kgf/cm2
Oil pump
Shesterenchaty with a crescent insert
      Pressure of opening of the operating valve, kgf/cm2
      Limiting admissible size axial люфта gear wheels, mm
      Limiting admissible size of a gap between tops of teeths of gear wheels and a crescent insert, mm
      Limiting admissible size люфта landings of an external gear wheel in the working chamber of the case, mm

Head of cylinders


Limiting admissible size of not planeness of interfaced surfaces (see illustrations), mm
    Surface of interface to the block of cylinders
      Long (longitudinal and diagonal) measurements
      Short (cross-section) measurements
    Surfaces of interface to the inlet pipeline and final collector
Limiting admissible size of a vystupaniye of the loose leaf of the chamber of combustion (see an illustration), mm 0.05
Limiting admissible depth of landing of the loose leaf of the chamber of combustion (see an illustration), mm 0.04
Length of bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders, mm

1 — to Oil
2 — Length of a bolt (control parameter)

    Nominal rate
112.7 ÷ 113.3
    Limiting admissible value

Saddles of valves

Geometrical parameters (see an illustration)
    Corner of a working facet, hail
      Inlet valves
      Final valves
    Width of a facet, mm
      Inlet valves
1.30 ÷ 1.90
      Final valves
1.64 ÷ 2.04
    Depth of landing in a head (inlet and final valves), mm
      Nominal rate
0.75 ÷ 1.05
      Limiting admissible value

Valves, the klapanny springs directing plugs

    Gazoraspredeleniye phases
      Inlet valves
13 ° before VMT
31 ° after NMT
      Final valves
60 ° before NMT
8 ° after VMT
    Geometrical parameters of valves
      Corner of a working facet, hail
        Inlet valves
        Final valves
        Inlet valves
          Nominal rate
7.970 ÷ 7.985
          Limiting admissible value
        Final valves
          Nominal rate
7.965 ÷ 7.980
          Limiting admissible value
      Diameter of a plate of the valve, mm
        Inlet valves
39.3 ÷ 39.5
        Final valves
35.0 ÷ 35.2
          Inlet and final valves
0.75 ÷ 1.05

* Service of a head of cylinders For more details see in Section and components of the gas-distributing mechanism (Part Diesel models)

Люфт landings in the directing plug (see an illustration and an illustration), mm
    Nominal rate
      Inlet valves
0.040 ÷ 0.075
      Final valves
0.045 ÷ 0.080
    Limiting admissible value
Directing plugs (see illustrations)
    Length of the directing plug of the valve, mm
      Inlet valves
      Final valves
Klapannye of a spring (see illustrations)
    Free length, mm
      Nominal rate (all valves)
      Limiting admissible value (all valves at compressing load of 23 kgfs)
      Limiting admissible size of violation of a tortsovka (all valves), mm

Pushers of valves

Pusher landing in a reception nest (see an illustration)
    External diameter of a pusher, mm
    Diameter of a nest under landing of a pusher, mm
34.959 ÷ 34.965
    Landing люфт, mm
34.990 ÷ 35.010
      Nominal rate
0.025 ÷ 0.061
      Limiting admissible value
Adjusting washers See. Section Check and adjustment of klapanny gaps
Klapannye gaps, mm
    Inlet valves
0.20 ÷ 0.30
    Final valves
0.30 ÷ 0.40


Size axial люфта (see an illustration), mm
    Nominal rate
0.02 ÷ 0.15
    Limiting admissible value
Limiting admissible size of radial palpation (see an illustration), mm 0.10
Working gap in bearings (see an illustration), mm
    Nominal rate
0.025 ÷ 0.066
    Limiting admissible value
Height of cams (see an illustration), mm
    Nominal rate
      Drive of inlet valves
      Drive of final valves
    Limiting admissible value
      Drive of inlet valves
      Drive of final valves
Bearing necks (see an illustration)
    Diameter, mm
      Nominal rate
31.96 ÷ 31.98
      Limiting admissible value
    Limiting admissible sizes of ovality and konusnost, mm

Block of cylinders


Limiting admissible size of not planeness of an interfaced surface (see an illustration), mm
    Long (longitudinal and diagonal) measurements
    Short (cross-section) measurements
Quantity and arrangement of cylinders 4, ryadny
Diameter of cylinders, mm
    Nominal rate
86.000 ÷ 86.022
    Limiting admissible disorder between cylinders

Persistent half rings of a cranked shaft.


Limiting admissible size of cross-section palpation (see an illustration), mm 0.2
Limiting admissible depth of a pro-point, mm 0.5

Cranked shaft and radical bearings

Axial люфт cranked shaft, mm
        Nominal rate
0.04 ÷ 0.28
        Limiting admissible value
      Nominal thickness of persistent half rings, mm
2.00 ÷ 2.05
      Thickness of repair persistent half rings, mm
2.18 ÷ 2.23
      Limiting admissible size of radial palpation of a cranked shaft (see an illustration), mm
Diameters of necks and back pin of a cranked shaft, mm

The arrangement scheme on a cranked shaft of radical (1) and shatunny (2) necks, and also pins (3) under landing of a casing of a back epiploon

    Radical gangs
      Standard size
        Nominal rate
59.937 ÷ 59.955
        Limiting admissible value
59.887 ÷ 59.905
      1st repair size (0.25 mm)
        Nominal rate
59.687 ÷ 59.705
        Limiting admissible value
59.637 ÷ 59.655
      2nd repair size (0.50 mm)
        Nominal rate
59.437 ÷ 59.455
        Limiting admissible value
59.387 ÷ 59.405
      3rd repair size (0.75 mm)
        Nominal rate
59.187 ÷ 59.205
        Limiting admissible value
59.137 ÷ 59.155
    Shatunnye of a neck
      Standard size
        Nominal rate
50.940 ÷ 50.955
        Limiting admissible value
50.890 ÷ 50.905
      1st repair size (0.25 mm)
        Nominal rate
50.690 ÷ 50.705
        Limiting admissible value
50.640 ÷ 50.655
      2nd repair size (0.50 mm)
        Nominal rate
50.440 ÷ 50.455
        Limiting admissible value
50.390 ÷ 50.405
      3rd repair size (0.75 mm)
        Nominal rate
50.190 ÷ 50.205
        Limiting admissible value
50.140 ÷ 50.155
    Back pin
89.946 ÷ 90.000
      Limiting admissible sizes of ovality and konusnost of necks, mm
        Nominal rate
0.031 ÷ 0.050
        Limiting admissible value

Rods and shatunny bearings

Distance between centers openings in heads of a rod, mm 151.95 ÷ 152.05
Limiting admissible size of bend/twisting of a rod of a rod on 100 mm of length (see an illustration), mm 0.16
Internal diameter of the plug top heads of a rod, mm 30.014 ÷ 30.030
Limiting admissible люфт landings of a piston finger in a rod head (see in the Section Dismantling and assembly of the block of cylinders, service of components), mm 0.05
Axial люфт rods on necks of a cranked shaft (see an illustration), mm
    Nominal rate
0.11 ÷ 0.262
    Limiting admissible value
Working gap in radical bearings (see an illustration), mm
    Nominal rate
0.027 ÷ 0.065
    Limiting admissible value

Pistons and piston fingers

Diameter of pistons (see an illustration), mm 85.942 ÷ 85.968
Люфт landings of pistons in cylinders, mm
    Nominal rate
0.047 ÷ 0.065
    Limiting admissible value
Width of flutes under landing of piston rings, mm
    Top kompressionny ring
2.04 ÷ 2.08
    Second kompressionny ring
2.03 ÷ 2.05
    Maslosjemnoye ring
3.02 ÷ 3.04
Люфт landings of piston rings in flutes of pistons, mm
    Nominal rates
      Top kompressionny ring
0.05 ÷ 0.09
      Second kompressionny ring
0.04 ÷ 0.08
      Maslosjemnoye ring
0.03 ÷ 0.07
    Limiting admissible value
    Limiting admissible size of a gap in locks of piston rings (see an illustration), mm

Efforts of a tightening of carving connections, Nanometer

Efforts of a tightening of separate elements of fixture can be brought directly in the text of sections where they are allocated with a bold print.

Covers of a drive of GRM 7.0 ÷ 9.8
Sensor switch of pressure of oil 11.7 ÷ 17.6
Bolt of a cogwheel of a camshaft 54.9 ÷ 64.7
Bolt of fastening of a cogwheel of a cranked shaft 179.5 ÷ 193.2
Bolt of a cogwheel of TNVD 686.8 ÷ 78.4
Bolts of a pulley of a cranked shaft 22.5 ÷ 32.3
Lock bolt of a natyazhitel of a belt of a drive of GRM 31.4 ÷ 46.1
Bolts of fastening of a cover of a head of cylinders 7.0 ÷ 9.8
Bolts of fastening of the inlet pipeline 15.6 ÷ 26.4
Bolts of fastening of a final collector 21.5 ÷ 26.4
Nuts of covers of bearings of a camshaft (see in the Section Service of a head of cylinders and components of the gas-distributing mechanism) 19.6 ÷ 26.4
Bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders (see in the Section Service of a head of cylinders and components of the gas-distributing mechanism)
    Stage 1
    Stage 2
To hold on on a corner 90 ° ÷ 105 °
    Stage 3
To hold on on a corner 90 ° ÷ 105 °
Masloraspyliteli in the block of cylinders 11.7 ÷ 17.6
Bolts of covers of radical bearings of a cranked shaft (see an illustration) 82.4 ÷ 88.2
Bolts of covers of the bottom heads of rods 64.7 ÷ 68.6
Bolts of fastening of a back cover of the engine 7.0 ÷ 9.8
Bolts of fastening of assembly of the oil pump
16 ÷ 23
32 ÷ 47
Bolts of fastening of the pallet of a case of the engine 7.0 ÷ 9.8
Bolts of fastening of assembly of a maslozabornik with the mesh filter (see an illustration) 7.0 ÷ 9.8
Bolts of fastening of a face plate of the engine

Details of installation of a face plate (1) engine

15.6 ÷ 22.5
Bolts of fastening of a flywheel 159.8 ÷ 169.6
Bolts of fastening of a basket of coupling 21.5 ÷ 32.7
Bolts of fastening of the water pump 31.3 ÷ 46.1
Bolts of fastening of a basic arm of the fan of system of cooling 31.3 ÷ 46.1
Bolts of fastening of the thermostat 15.6 ÷ 22.5
Bolts of fastening of a maslookhladitel (see an illustration of the Detail of installation of a maslookhladitel)
31.3 ÷ 46.1
7.0 ÷ 9.8
Bolts of fastening of a water branch pipe of a maslookhladitel
18.6 ÷ 25.5
8.0 ÷ 10.7
Oil filter 19.6 ÷ 24.5
Basic arm of the generator 31.3 ÷ 46.1
Support of a suspension bracket of the power unit 31.3 ÷ 46.1