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Petrol models
Petrol models
Greasing system - the general information, check of pressure of impellent oil
General information
The case pallet, the rotor oil pump, maslookhladitel, the polnopotochny oil filter belong to number of the main components of system of greasing of the engine and маслотоки a head and the block of cylinders.
Scheme of the organization of system of greasing of the petrol engine
On engines (DOHC) considered in the real Management one more important element of system of greasing are the special masloraspylitel providing an intensive heat-conducting path from piston assemblies, - on each piston is provided on one spray. When pressure of oil in the engine reaches critical value about 1.75 kgfs/cm2, operating valves therefore impellent oil melkodispersno is sprayed on internal surfaces of pistons open special built in exhaust outlets of sprays, providing branch from the last surplus of heat.
The drive of the oil pump is carried out directly from a cranked shaft of the engine. The pump provides an oil fence via the mesh filter from the pallet of a case and its giving in the main oil gallery. Previously oil is banished via the polnopotochny filter and a maslookhladitel and moves in laid along a lateral surface of the block of cylinders gallery, providing greasing and cooling of necks of radical bearings. The rest of oil rises up to components of the klapanny mechanism. Supply of greasing to shatunny bearings is provided on special through special drillings in a body of a cranked shaft. Greasing of components, direct supply of oil to which it is not provided, it is provided at the expense of a razbryzgivaniye and oil running off from adjacent surfaces. And, at last, by gravity oil flows down again in the pallet of a case of the engine then the described running cycle repeats.
The rotor oil pump is equipped with the reduktsionny valve providing control of pressure in system at the expense of a perepuskaniye of excess of oil back in the pallet of a boat.
Check of pressure of oil
Release the fixing screw and connect electroconducting of the sensor switch of pressure of impellent oil. Turn out the sensor from an engine case.
Screw in an adjusting opening of the sensor a carving nozzle of a manometer.
Start the engine and warm up it to normal working temperature.
Lift engine turns to 3000 in a minute and consider the manometer indication. If the result of measurement falls outside the limits an admissible range (see. The Engine), it is necessary to establish to specifications of Head the reason of taking place malfunction and to eliminate the last.
Turn out a nozzle of a manometer and establish into place the sensor switch of pressure of oil.
Establish into place the sensor and restore initial connection of electroconducting, - track reliability of a tightening of the fixing screw.