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Features of operation of the cars equipped with the catalytic converter
Features of operation of the cars equipped with the catalytic converter
Components of system of release can be warmed up to very high temperatures, - try not to touch the warmed-up elements and not to put the car on parking on the platforms covered with easily flammable subjects (fallen leaves, a dry grass, garbage, etc.)! |
Do not use for filling of the car equipped with the catalytic converter etilirovanny gasoline, - containing in it in high concentration lead is postponed on surfaces of a working element of the converter, in an essential measure reducing efficiency of its functioning and service life! |
The catalytic converter is a highly effective element of system of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and is included in structure of system of release. In a working element of the converter there is a reburning of the fulfilled gases at high temperature for the purpose of decrease in level of the contents in them toxic components.
Watch correctness of settings and engine adjustments. Deviations at installation of working parameters of systems of ignition, injection of fuel and engine management can lead to the dangerous reenrichment of an air and fuel mix conducting to an invariable overheat of the catalytic converter. At emergence of admissions of ignition operation of the car should be suspended till elimination of causes of defect since not warmed at ignition admissions fuel from chambers of combustion gets to the converter where can easily ignite (for the same reason should be avoided engine starts by a towage or pushing method). Do not forget to watch also fuel consumption, without allowing its complete development which has been usually interfaced to emergence of admissions of ignition.