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      Dismantling and assembly of the block of cylinders, service of components
      Removal and installation of the pallet of a case
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      Removal and installation of masloraspylitel
      Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft
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Kia Sportage>> Engine>> Petrol models>> Dismantling and assembly of the block of cylinders, service of components

Dismantling and assembly of the block of cylinders, service of components

Dismantle and installation of a cranked shaft and shatunno-piston assemblies can be made without removal of the engine from the car.


Design of the block of cylinders (see also illustration of the Detail of installation of a flywheel / a driving disk)

1 — the Cover of the bottom head of a rod
2 — Loose leaves of the shatunny bearing
3 — the Rod with the piston
4 — the Piston finger
5 — Piston rings

6 — the Cover of the radical bearing
7 — the Cranked shaft
8 — the Directing bearing
9 — the Loose leaf of the radical bearing
10 — block Moulding
11 — the Lock ring


    Remove the engine (see. Section of System of electric equipment of the engine). Remove a head of cylinders (see. Section Service of a head of cylinders and components of the gas-distributing mechanism). Remove the oil pump (see. Section Removal, installation and service of the oil pump). Remove the pallet of a case and a flywheel / a driving disk (see. Section Removal and installation of the pallet of a case). Remove a back epiploon with a cover (see. Section Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft). Turn out fixing bolts and remove covers of radical bearings with collecting with loose leaves. Turn out fixing bolts and uncover the bottom head of the first rod assembled with the loose leaf. Rest against a rod head the handle of a hammer and, pushing shatunno-piston assembly up, take it from the cylinder. Operating in a similar manner, take the remained assemblies. For the purpose of confusion prevention at check of a condition of components at once establish on the former places of a cover of shatunny and radical bearings of a cranked shaft assembled with loose leaves and fix them fixing bolts. By means of an inertial stripper dismantle established in a back pin of a cranked shaft directing bearing (see an illustration).



    Attentively study a condition of molding of the block. Check each cylinder on existence of cracks, задиров and other mechanical damages. Operating in the manner similar to described in the Section Dismantling and assembly of the block of cylinders, service of components, estimate extent of violation of planeness interfaced to a head of cylinders of a surface of the block (see an illustration). In case of need replace the block.

Restoration of planeness of an interfaced surface of the block by its machining is not admissible at all!

    Teases of mirrors cylinders can be pierced till the corresponding repair size in case such processing is not represented possible, replace the block.
    Measure diameter of each of cylinders at three levels and in two directions that will allow to reveal such defects, as a konusnost and ovality. If results of measurements exceed limiting admissible values (see. The Engine), cylinders it is necessary to chisel specifications of Head till the next repair size. In conclusion of a mirror of cylinders should be отхонингованы, - act according to the instructions attached to special honingovochny sets.
    With special vertical drill remove the step wear of cylinders left by the top kompressionny ring at the end of a course of pistons.
    Remove lock rings, take piston fingers and make dismantle of pistons from rods. Study a condition of pistons, in case of identification of cracks, задиров and other mechanical damages prepare replacement.
    Measure diameter of each piston in the direction, perpendicular axes of a piston finger and on removal in 18 mm from the bottom cut of a flute under installation of a maslosjemny ring. By comparison of result of measurement with size of diameter of the corresponding cylinder define size landing люфта. If люфт exceeds limiting admissible value, replace the piston, having pierced the cylinder till the next repair size.

At the same time with the piston it is necessary to replace also piston rings (on corresponding the repair size, - see. Specifications of Head Engine).

    Check piston rings on existence of signs of excessive wear, cracks, chips and other mechanical damages. In case of need make replacement. Serially filling piston rings in the cylinder and pushing them the piston bottom in the lower part of the last (position NMT of the piston), measure sizes of gaps in locks of rings (see an illustration). Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications of Head the Engine, in case of need chisel locks, or replace rings. Measure size люфта landings of rings in flutes of pistons (see an illustration), in case of need replace the ring/piston.

Measurement should be made in several points of perimeter of a flute. From this point rings should remain "adhered" to the pistons/cylinders.

    At the special stand believe rods on existence of signs of a bend and twisting (see an illustration). At excess by results of measurements of limiting admissible values replace defective components.
    Measure diameters under landing of piston fingers in pistons. Write down results of measurements.
    Measure diameter of piston fingers in places from a press fitting in the piston.
    By way of subtraction of results of the first measurements from results of the second determine люфт / a tightness of landing of fingers in pistons. By measurement of the corresponding diameters of piston fingers and openings in the top heads of rods define люфты landings of fingers in rods. At excess by results of calculations of limiting admissible value make replacement of rods. Attentively study a condition of a cranked shaft. Check his root and shatunny necks on existence задиров, traces of an overheat and other mechanical damages. Make sure of absence of violations of passableness of oil openings. Having laid a shaft in prisms, check it on bend existence by means of DTI measuring instrument (see an illustration). Measure diameters of necks, estimate sizes of their konusnost and ovality. If wear of necks exceeds limiting admissible value, pierce them under the next repair size (do not forget to pick up the corresponding size repair loose leaves), or replace a shaft.

At all do not cut off a rounding off of necks, - the minimum admissible radius of a rounding off makes 2.6 ÷ 3 mm.

The radius of roundings off of necks should make not less than 2.6 ÷ 3.0 mm.
    Study a condition of loose leaves of bearings. In case of detection of defects prepare a replaceable set. Spread out loose leaves as installation them to the engine.



    Before the beginning of assembly make sure of absoluteness of purity of all components.
    The correct image arrange the piston concerning a rod.
    Grease with pure impellent oil of an opening in the piston and the top head of a rod. By means of special nippers plant a lock ring in a flute in one of piston openings, then fill in the last the top head of a rod.
    Through a suitable opravka accurately begin to knock a piston finger, having fixed the piston on a rod. Fix a finger the second lock ring.
    Operating in a similar manner, mount the remained shatunno-piston assemblies. Plant on pistons the picked-up earlier piston rings: at first in the bottom flute of the piston the oiled dilator of a maslosjemny ring is established previously, then its working sections (scrapers) are got.
Landing of the top scraper of a maslosjemny ring.
Scheme of installation of components of a maslosjemny ring.

Scrapers of a maslosjemny ring are identical on a design and do not demand unambiguity of landing at installation.

    Further, in the remained flutes the also plentifully greased bottom and top kompressionny rings (do not mix a ring - they differ in a section form) refuel, - track correctness of placement of rings, - they should be established by the marked letter of "R" the party up.
    Develop the rings planted on pistons locks in the specified directions.
    Plant in the block of cylinders masloraspylitel and tighten bolts of their fastening with demanded effort (12 ÷ 18 Nanometer).
    Carefully wipe necks of a cranked shaft, a back of loose leaves of radical bearings and their bed in the block, having completely removed from them oil traces. Enclose loose leaves and establish a shaft.

The central radical bearing is persistent.

    Once again wipe radical necks of a shaft, lay along them the calibrated plastic wire from Plastigage set for definition of working gaps in sliding bearings.

Watch, that the wire did not keep within over oil openings of necks!

    Wipe backs of loose leaves of bearings and their bed in covers, then establish the last, having tracked correctness of placement and, operating strictly in a certain order, tighten bolts of their fastening with demanded effort.
    Release fixture, remove covers and, measuring width of the flattened-out wire on a scale put on packing of a set of Plastigage, define sizes of gaps in radical bearings.

During check do not turn a cranked shaft! If the result of measurement exceeds limiting admissible value, make selection of new loose leaves, in case of need pierce a shaft till the corresponding repair size and establish repair loose leaves.

    Having finished check, grease working surfaces of the picked-up loose leaves and radical necks of a shaft with pure impellent oil, lay a shaft in the block. Establish covers of radical bearings, push a shaft forward against the stop, then return it back and tighten bolts of fastening of covers with demanded effort.
    Check size axial люфта a cranked shaft and freedom of its provorachivaniye. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications of Head the Engine, in case of need pick up the new persistent bearing.
    By means of a suitable opravka, plant on a back pin of a shaft directing bearing (see an illustration), - do not forget to grease previously the bearing and a pin with impellent oil. After installation fill the bearing konsistentny greasing. Accurately fill shatunno-piston assemblies in the cylinders: and a mirror of cylinders before installation it is necessary to grease walls of pistons with pure impellent oil, piston rings to press out a special opravka; pushing through of pistons in cylinders is best of all for making the hammer handle. Track, that pistons were established by labels in the form of «F» letters forward on the engine.

At emergence of resistance it is necessary to stop immediately piston pushing through, to take assembly and to make sure of completeness of removal of step wear in the top part of the cylinder!

    Having planted the bottom heads of rods on shatunny necks of a shaft, make measurement of working gaps in shatunny bearings, - act in the manner similar described above for radical bearings. Remember that loose leaves of bearings at check should be established on dry, track correctness of an arrangement of covers. With the help щупа lezviyny type make measurement of sizes axial люфтов rods (see an illustration). Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications of Head the Engine, in case of need replace the corresponding rods. Finalize shatunny covers (having oiled working surfaces of bearings), - track correctness of combination of landing labels and tighten bolts of their fastening with demanded effort.

Before a tightening also it is necessary to grease carving parts of bolts and nuts with pure impellent oil.

    Further installation make as it should be, the return to an order of dismantle of components.